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Chronology of Negotiations

Contract negotiations between Illinois State University and University Professionals of Illinois, United Faculty of ISU (UFISU), the Union that represents approximately 650 tenured and tenure track faculty at ISU, began on February 28, 2024. The following Chronology of Negotiations will be periodically updated as negotiations continue.


December 18, 2024

The parties met for their thirty-fifth negotiation session. The University presented its initial economic proposal and a packet proposal detailing its current position on all outstanding non-economic items. The Union presented several non-economic proposals, and discussion between the parties continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Grievance Procedure, Non-Discrimination, Professional Ethics, Scheduling, and Workload.

December 11, 2024

The parties met for their thirty-fourth negotiation session. The parties presented various counter-proposals, and discussion between the parties continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Grievance Procedure, and Non-Discrimination.

December 4, 2024

The parties met for their thirty-third negotiation session. The parties presented various counter-proposals, and discussion between the parties continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Grievance Procedure, Non-Discrimination, and Workload.

December 3, 2024

The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board issued a directive for the University and the Union to engage an independent mediator to assist in reaching a contract agreement. The University promptly drafted a joint request for mediation, which the Union subsequently also signed. The University forwarded this joint request to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and a mediator has been assigned. The parties will now work with the mediator to schedule mediation sessions.

November 25, 2024

The parties met for their thirty-second negotiation session. The parties presented various counter-proposals, and discussion between the parties continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Grievance Procedure, Non-Discrimination, and Workload.

The Union as required under the Rules of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board (IELRB), filed a formal request seeking that agency’s directive for the parties to engage an independent federal mediator to assist in reaching a contract agreement.

November 22, 2024

The University respectfully declined the Union’s request to engage a mediator at this time. A copy of the University’s communication to the Union is available here.

November 19, 2024

The parties met for their thirty-first negotiation session. The University presented various counter-proposals, and discussion between the parties continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Gender Expression and Transition, Grievance Procedure, Non-Discrimination, and Professional Ethics. During this session, the Union introduced a request to engage a mediator. The University committed to consider this request prior to our next negotiations session on Monday, November 25.

November 12, 2024

During this thirtieth negotiation meeting, the parties signed a tentative agreement on Layoffs. The parties also exchanged various other proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Grievance Procedure, Management Rights, Milner Library, Non-Discrimination, and Professional Ethics.

October 30, 2024

The parties met for their twenty-ninth negotiation session and exchanged various proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion continued on topics including Grievance Procedure, Layoffs, and Non-Discrimination. In addition, in an effort to provide a common understanding for future negotiating sessions around economic issues, including salary and benefits, the University’s Interim Vice President of Finance and Planning met with the bargaining teams to share information and answer questions about ISU’s fiscal and enrollment projections in the context of these negotiations. Topics of discussion included an analysis of state appropriations, historical and projected revenue and expenses, demographic and financial aid trends impacting projected enrollment and revenues, and the University’s fund structure and related restrictions on how these monies can be spent.

October 23, 2024

During this twenty-eighth negotiation meeting, the parties signed four tentative agreements on International Faculty, Legislative Affairs, Program Reorganization, Consolidation, or Disestablishment, and Reappointment, Evaluation, Promotion, Tenure, and Post-Tenure Review. The parties also exchanged various other proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Grievance Procedure, Layoffs, and Non-Discrimination.

October 18, 2024

The parties met for their twenty-seventh negotiation session and exchanged various proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion continued on topics including Faculty Reappointment, Evaluation, Promotion, Tenure, and Post Tenure Review, Program Reorganization, Consolidation, and Disestablishment, and Lobby Day. ISU also provided UFISU with dates for six proposed additional negotiation sessions in November and December.

October 8, 2024

The parties met for their twenty-sixth negotiation session and exchanged various proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Faculty Reappointment, Evaluation, Promotion, Tenure and Post Tenure Review, Grievance Procedure, Layoffs, Scheduling, and Lobby Day.

October 2, 2024

The parties met for their twenty-fifth negotiation session and exchanged various proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Entire Agreement, Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure, Gender Expression and Transition, Grievance Procedure, Layoffs, Management Rights, Non-Discrimination, Professional Ethics, and Program Reorganization, Consolidation, or Disestablishment.

September 23, 2024

During this twenty-fourth negotiation meeting, the parties signed a tentative agreement on Duration, though the actual expiration date is still TBD. The parties also exchanged various other proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure, Grievance Procedure, Layoffs (formerly Staff Reductions), University and Union Lobby Day, and Workload.

September 16, 2024

During this twenty-third negotiation meeting, the parties signed a tentative agreement on Limitations and Savings. The parties also exchanged various other proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Duration and Implementation, Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure, Grievance Procedure, Limitations and Savings, Non-Discrimination, Program Reorganization, and Staff Reductions.

September 10, 2024

During this twenty-second negotiation meeting, the parties signed tentative agreements on Discipline and Transfers. The parties also exchanged various other proposals/counter-proposals. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Discipline, Duration and Implementation, Entire Agreement, Grievance Procedure, Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure, Identification of Union Representatives, Limitations and Savings, Management Rights, Program Reorganization, Staff Reductions, and Transfers.

August 28, 2024

During this twenty-first negotiation meeting, the parties signed tentative agreements on Health and Safety and Facilities. The parties also exchanged various other proposals/counter-proposals, with the University presenting a packet of nine individual proposals. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Disability Accommodation, Discipline, Duration and Implementation, Entire Agreement, Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure, Identification of Union Representatives, Management Rights, Limitations and Savings, Milner Library, and Non-Discrimination.

August 23, 2024

The parties met for their twentieth negotiation session and signed a tentative agreement on a Memorandum of Understanding related to Locks, Lactation Spaces, and All Gender Restrooms. The parties exchanged various proposals/counter-proposals. The Union passed a proposal characterized as comprehensive, but which failed to address several open issues. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Definitions, Disability Accommodation, Discipline, Duration and Implementation, Facilities, Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure, Funds for Travel and Professional Development, Gender Expression and Transition, Grievance Procedure, Health and Safety, Health Benefits, Hours of Work, Identification of Union Representatives, Leaves, Management Rights, Program Reorganization, Release Time/Union Business, Savings, Staff Reduction, Summer and Winter Terms, Transfers, University and Union Lobby Day, University Commitments for Academic Support, Workload, and Workplace Bulling/Professional Ethics.

August 15, 2024

During this nineteenth negotiation meeting, the parties exchanged counterproposals and/or revised counter-proposals on topics including Facilities, Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure, Grievance Procedure, Health and Safety, Identification of Union Representatives, and Professional Ethics. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued.

August 7, 2024

The parties met for their eighteenth negotiation session. The exchange of proposals/counter-proposals, discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Discipline, Evaluations, Facilities, Faculty Appointment, Promotions, Tenure, Health and Safety, Program Reorganization, Staff Reductions, and Transfers.

July 31, 2024

During this seventeenth negotiation meeting, the parties signed a tentative agreement on Academic Freedom. In addition, the University and the Union exchanged counter-proposals and/or revised counter-proposals on other topics, including Facilities, Faculty Appointment, Promotions, Tenure, Health and Safety, Management Rights, Non-Discrimination, Program Reorganization, Staff Reductions, and Transfers. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses on these and other topics continued.

July 24, 2024

The parties met for their sixteenth negotiation session and signed tentative agreements on language regarding Union Rights, Personnel Files and Records, Intellectual Property, Shared Governance, and Policies and Procedures. The exchange of proposals/counter-proposals, discussion, and clarifying questions/responses continued on other topics, including Academic Freedom, Disability Accommodation, Discipline, Entire Agreement, Facilities, Gender Expression and Transition, Grievance Procedure, Health and Safety, and Identification of Union Representatives.

July 18, 2024

During this fifteenth negotiation meeting, the parties exchanged counterproposals and/or revised counterproposals on topics including Academic Freedom, Discipline, Gender Expression and Transition, Grievance Procedure, Non-Discrimination, Personnel Records, Shared Governance and Union Rights. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses on these and other topics continued.

July 10, 2024

The parties met for their fourteenth negotiation session. The exchange of proposals/counter-proposals, discussion, and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Academic Freedom, Disability Accommodation, Discipline, Entire Agreement, Facilities, Gender Expression and Transition. Grievance Procedure, Health and Safety, Intellectual Property, Non-Discrimination, Personnel Records, Shared Governance, and Union Rights.

July 3, 2024

During this thirteenth negotiation meeting, the parties exchanged proposals/ or counter-proposals on topics including Academic Freedom, Disability Accommodation, Discipline, Entire Agreement, Grievance Procedure, Intellectual Property, Personnel Records, and Union Rights. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses on these and other topics continued.

June 28, 2024

The parties met for their twelfth negotiation session. The exchange of proposals/counter-proposals, discussion, and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Academic Freedom, Disability Accommodation, Discipline, Facilities, Gender Expression and Transition, Grievance Procedure, Health and Safety, Intellectual Property, Non-Discrimination, Personnel Records, Shared Governance, and Union Rights.

June 5, 2024

During this eleventh negotiation meeting, the parties signed a tentative agreement on language regarding Union Dues Deductions. The parties exchanged proposals/counter-proposals on other topics, including Disability Accommodation, Discipline, Gender Expression and Transition, Grievance Procedure, Identification of Union Representatives, Non-Discrimination, and Union Rights. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses on these and other topics continued.

May 29, 2024

The parties met for their tenth negotiation session. The exchange of proposals/counter-proposals, discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Non-Discrimination, Personnel Records, Union Dues, Union Rights and Workplace Bullying.

May 16, 2024

During this ninth negotiation meeting, the parties signed three tentative agreements on language regarding Recognition, No Strike/No Lockout and Labor/Management Meetings. The parties exchanged proposals/counter-proposals on other topics, including Personnel Records, Union Rights, and Workplace Bullying. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses on these and other topics continued.

May 7, 2024

The parties met for their eighth negotiation session and signed a tentative agreement on language regarding the Purpose of the Agreement. The exchange of proposals/counter-proposals, discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on other topics, including Labor/Management Meetings, Milner Library, No Strike/No Lock-Out, Non-Discrimination, Personnel Records, Purpose/Preamble, Recognition, Union Dues, and Union Rights.

April 29, 2024

During this seventh negotiation meeting, the parties formally signed their first tentative agreement on language regarding Electronic Availability of the Agreement. The parties exchanged proposals/counter-proposals on other topics, including Labor/Management Meetings, Milner Library, No Strike/No Lock-Out, Non-Discrimination, Purpose/Preamble, Recognition, Union Dues, and Union Rights. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses on these and other topics continued..

April 23, 2023

The parties met for their sixth negotiation session and scheduled eight additional bargaining dates through the end of July. The exchange of proposals/counter-proposals, discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued on topics including Electronic Availability of the Agreement, Labor/Management Meetings, No Strike/No Lock-Out, Non-Discrimination, Personnel Records, Purpose/Preamble, Recognition, Union Rights, and Union Dues. Discussion and clarifying questions/responses continued.

April 10, 2024

After brief opening comments by both parties during this fifth negotiation meeting, the Union rejected all of the University’s initial non-economic proposals and responded to clarifying questions from the University regarding why. The Union presented an updated 100-page version of its original comprehensive proposal to the University that included minor clarifications. The parties exchanged new proposals/counter-proposals related to the Electronic Availability of the Agreement.

March 26, 2024

During this fourth negotiation meeting, the University presented its 24-page initial non-economic proposals on 17 items, including Definitions; Discipline; Duration and Implementation; Entire Agreement; Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion and Tenure; Grievance Procedure; Hours of Work; Labor/Management Meetings; Limitations and Savings; Management Rights; Milner Library; Non-Discrimination; No-Strike/No Lockout; Preamble; Recognition; Union Rights; and Workload. The University presented a summary of each proposal item and the intent behind it, while also responding to clarifying questions from the Union and providing verbal responses to the Union’s non-economic proposals.

March 14, 2024

The parties met for their third negotiation session. The parties continued preliminary discussions regarding the union’s 86-page initial proposal, with ISU asking a number of clarifying questions. Following this session, the parties scheduled an additional negotiation meeting on May 16, 2024.

March 4, 2024

The parties met for their second negotiation session and continued preliminary discussions regarding the UFISU’s 86-page initial proposal, with ISU asking a number of clarifying questions to understand certain components relate to current University policies and the work of the Academic Senate. Following this session, the parties scheduled additional negotiation meetings for March 26, April 10, April 23, April 29, and May 7, 2024.

February 28, 2024

The parties met for their first negotiation session. UFISU presented an 86-page proposal covering dozens of topics and ISU asked a number of clarifying questions. Topics addressed in the Union’s proposal included: Academic Freedom; Academic Support; Access to Personnel Files; Arbitration Procedure; Disability Accommodation; Dues Deductions; Duration; Electronic Availability of Agreement; Evaluation; Facilities; Funds for Travel and Professional Development; Gender Expression and Transition; Grievance and Arbitration; Health and Safety; Health Benefits; Intellectual Property; Labor-Management Meetings; Leaves and Modified Duties; Lobby Day; Non-Discrimination; No Strike/No Lockout; Program Reorganization; Promotion and Tenure; Property; Purpose; Recognition; Release Time for Union Business; Salary; Savings; Scheduling; Shared Governance; Staff Reduction Procedures; Summer and Winter Terms; Terms and Definitions; Transfers; Union Membership; Union Rights; Workload; and Workplace Bullying.

February 7-14, 2024

ISU and UFISU mutually agreed to start negotiations on February 28, 2024. The parties also scheduled a pre-bargaining call for February 26, 2024 to discuss logistics, as well as two additional negotiation meetings for March 4 and 14, 2024.

January 8, 2024

The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board certified University Professionals of Illinois, United Faculty of ISU (UFISU) as the official bargaining representative of approximately 650 tenured and tenure-track ISU faculty.